Subsurface Scatter (New for v7.8)

The Subsurface Scatter section can be used to adjust the light transmission effect through the entire object.

Basic Settings

  • SSS Falloff: This color determines the final color shown on the shadow area after the light passes through the object.

    SSS Falloff = #FFFFFF (Default White)

    SSS Falloff = #00AAFF (Sea Blue)

  • SSS Radius: The approximate distance up to which light can scatter below the surface. Higher values will smooth the appearance of the subsurface scattering, while lower values will result in a more opaque look.

    SSS Radius = 1.000

    SSS Radius = 13.000

Advanced Settings

  • R, G, B, A Channel Scatter Scale: These sliders change the strength of SSS effects that are defined by the RGBA Area Mask texture.

    R Channel Scatter Scale = 1.000

    G Channel Scatter Scale = 1.000

    R Channel Scatter Scale = 1.000

    G Channel Scatter Scale = 0.000

  • SSS Distribution: This setting determines the gathering level of the light passing through the object's medium. A higher value gathers more of the scattered light.

    SSS Distribution = 0.930 (Default)

    SSS Distribution = 0.990

  • SSS IOR: It determines the falloff of incident light. Higher values means that light falls off faster. The effect is quite subtle and changes the distribution function only a little bit. By the examination of many different materials, values of (1.3 to 1.5) have been found to work well for most materials.

    SSS IRO = 1.000

    SSS IRO = 2.500

  • SSS Transmission Decay Scale: This value determines the light decaying level within the object's medium.

    SSS Transmission Decay Scale = 0.000

    SSS Transmission Decay Scale = 0.070