Defining Custom Motions with the Parameter Sliders

Each category preset has adjustable parameters. These parameters decide the motion weights of specific body parts. With these parameters, even a single motion preset can create various motion styles.


Lean Back

Lower Hip

Elbow In

Defining Custom Motions

  1. Select a character.
  2. Select a category and pick a preset.
  3. Switch to the Preset tab. You will then see parameters sliders provided for this preset. Please refer to the Puppeteering Principles for Motion Puppet Panel section for more information.
  4. Start to preview or record. The character will keep repeating the motion.

    Initial walking motion

  5. Drag the sliders during previewing or recording, to change the motion weights of the body parts.

    Lower Hip

    Lower Hip + Lean Forward

Saving and Loading Body Puppet Profiles

When you are satisfied with the previewing or recording results, then you may save the settings into a file and load them onto another character.

  • : Click this button to create a custom body puppet profile (*.iPuppet).
  • : Click this button to load a pre-saved body puppet profile (*.iPuppet).

What is saved in a Body Puppet Profile?

  • Exaggeration and Speed Values.
  • Selected body parts from the Mask tab.
  • All sliders and their motion weight settings from the Preset tab.