Glow Texture for GI

The material turns into a light source when illumination is activated and has the ability to lighten up the environment with GI characteristics. Under these circumstances, the material can emit bouncing lights when its radiating light rays hit other objects in the scene. If the material contains Glow map, then the Glow Texture will be used as the light source for the GI; The higher the Glow Strength is, the stronger the light will be.

  • The object with the Glow texture does not contribute any light for the GI effect.

  • The Illumination of the object is turned ON and the Glow / Self Illumination value is set to 100.
  • The Glow / Self Illumination value is set to 300.

Voxelize Thickness

The angle of two intersecting surfaces influences the Occlusion result. If the occlusion effect is not satisfactory, use the Voxelize Thickness parameter to solve this issue.

Voxelize Thickness: OFF

Voxelize Thickness: ON