Transparent Materials for GI

The transparent materials, including the Opacity Texture and Opacity settings, can not only contribute the light for GI effect, but also reveal the indirect light from the object behind the surface with transparent materials.

Transparent Materials for GI

The related user interfaces are in the Modify panel > Material tab > GI Settings section as shown below:

  1. In order to fix opacity white edges or value inaccuracy, increase the GI Settings > Opacity > Alpha Threshold parameter. Alpha Threshold defaults to 30, which is sufficient for most situations and good for scene performance but may not be great for quality.
    Please click Here to view the comparison illustrations.
    However, not all opacity textures are compatible with high Alpha Threshold values. If alpha problems persist, try to decrease the value.
    Please click Here to view the comparison illustrations.
  2. The other option is the Translucent GI which matches the resolution of the alpha channel to the view-port. This option can adversely affect real-time performance.

    Under the circumstances that there are overlapping transparent faces, the underlying faces will not receive the bounce lighting that is blocked by the overlying faces. Where Alpha Threshold can not solve this issue, Translucent GI can.
    Please click Here to view the comparison illustrations.

Comparison for Material Alpha Threshold, GI Alpha Threshold, and Translucent GI

Please check out the differences between the Material Alpha Threshold, GI Alpha Threshold and Translucent GI: