User Interface for Exporting FBX

The newly added Export FBX inside iClone 7 allows an adjusted project to be exported to another mainstream 3D tool. No longer does one have to rely on 3DXchange to individually export parts of the project, speeding up the workflow significantly.

You can open the Export FBX panel from the File > Export > Export Fbx....

Export FBX Panel


Target Tool Preset

Select the target software



Set the Export Animation FPS.


Export Range

Set the Export Range.

  • T-Pose and Reset Transform: Don't export any kind of animations, pose the avatar in T-pose, and move the avatar to the coordinate origin of (0,0,0).

  • Current Frame: Export the current motion pose.

  • All: Export the Project timeline motion.

  • Range: Export a select set of animation frames.


Embed Textures

Whether or not to embed the textures into the Fbx file itself. If unselected then the textures will exported into a folder at the same location as the exported file. However, PBR textures will always export into a separate folder (called Texture), therefore, can not be embedded.


Max Image Size

Set the maximum resolution size for individual texture maps. If unselected, then the exporter will default to the resolution size of the images themselves.

Convert Image Format to

Whether or not to convert the texture maps into different formats. If unselected, then the exporter will default to the Jpg format.


Merge Opacity to Diffuse Texture

Merging Opacity and Diffuse textures will let the Diffuse map carry an opacity alpha channel. This setting only has usage when saving in Png, Bmp, Tiff, and Tga formats.


Delete Unused Morphs

Delete all morph data that has not been keyed. (includes Facial and Custom morphs)