The Tree

iClone provides you with a system to adjust the parameters of planted trees. You may plant trees on the terrain or even link or attach them to some other target object. The trees can cast and receive shadows or sway with the wind during playback. You may then create a forest or potted plants in your project.

To Plant a Tree

It is relatively easy to plant a tree. Go to the Content Manger, apply the desired terrain and sky, drag and drop your desired tree templates into the 3D viewer.

You may even move the trees with the Move, Rotate and Scale tools to manipulate the trees in the same way as props.

Plant Wind Settings

If you increase the Strength value, the trees you plant sway harder when you play the project and vice versa.

Speed Tree Linkage

Because a tree is similar to a prop, you may link your tree to a target such as a flowerpot.

Before linking.

  • Link to the flowerpot.
  • Align to Position option checked.
  • Transform data modified.