The Surfaces for Path

When creating a path, you can determine to have the path created on the grid plane, terrain or in midair.

Creating Paths on the Grid Plane (XY plane)

When you are creating a path on the grid, the path pointers will snap to the grid as you go.

  1. Press Ctrl + G to toggle visibility of the grid.
  2. Click the Create > Create Path command from the main menu bar.

    First Control Point

    Second Control Point

    Third Control Point

    You can click to position the control point and pull to extend the next control point.

  3. Right-click or press ESC to exit.

Drawing on Terrain

When creating paths on terrain, the control points follow the height and angle of the terrain. Whereas the grid only remains on a flat surface.

First Point

Second Point

Third Point

As you can see, the points snap right onto the surface's height once the pointer is positioned.

If you want the terrain to precisely snap on the terrain surfaces, then choose the path and activate the Project to Terrain checkbox.

Drawing in the Sky

When creating paths in the sky, you create the path from the angle of the camera to the distance of 50m away from the camera.