User Interface Introductions for Motion Director - General Settings
There are three main panels related to Motion Director, including MD Control Center (Ctrl + F5), MD Behavior (Ctrl + F6) and MD Triggers (Ctrl + F7). This page will focus on the General Settings tab in the MD Controls panel.
How to launch MD Controls panel?
In this section, you can choose to view through defined cameras, set up various custom camera views, or adjust other camera settings.
Motion Direction has a private hidden camera that only works when the character is in play. The view of this hidden camera borrows from the current view or the camera preset view throughout the play duration.
These two radio buttons are used to determine which view is to be used for this hidden camera as the initial view.
- Free Camera: If you choose this radio button, the current view will be taken as the initial view of the Motion Direction hidden camera.
- Follow Camera: If you choose this radio
button, one of the preset views (set as Default) will be taken as the initial view of the Motion Direction hidden camera.
If you activate this checkbox, then the movements of the Motion Direction hidden camera will be recorded into a specified camera.
You can use the drop-down list to specify the target camera that will keep the movements of the Motion Direction hidden camera
throughout the play duration.
- Create new camera: If you choose this item from
the list, a new camera (MD Camera) will be created and
the movements of the hidden camera will be saved to it after
the play duration.
- Custom cameras: If you choose any of the custom cameras, movements of the hidden camera
will be saved to the selected camera after the playing
In this group, you can determine the target actor, set default camera as the initial camera and adjust the perspectives of the custom camera presets. Please refer to the following sections for more information:
During the play mode, these 3 sliders can be used to set the sensitivities for panning, rotating, and dollying the hidden camera with the Right Analog Stick (Thumb stick) of the gamepad.
- Reverse Direction: Activate this checkbox if you want to rotate the camera in plane mode (invert Y-axis).
- Pan, Rotate and Zoom Sensitivity: The higher the values are, the more severe the responding actions become when you push the right analog stick.
In this section, you can modify the global avoidance settings to prevent actors from penetrating other objects to address potential collisions.
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