What is MotionPlus?
MotionPlus is a new format that includes all motion data in one file. It is easy to reuse for different characters in iClone.
The Benefits of MotionPlus
The benefits of using MotionPlus are listed below:
- One File for All: Instead of separately saving a character's facial expressions, body motions, constraint results, visibility, sound, accessories and accessory data into different custom libraries for further reuse, you are able to use MotionPlus to include every item listed above in order to build a single custom library with all-inclusive motion data.
- Reuse in iClone: The MotionPlus format is suitable for standard and non-standard iClone characters. Therefore it's easier than ever to copy complete animation data from one character to another. Even though the characters may have different bone structures or attached accessories, MotionPlus can still be used, and will apply relevant motion data to any identical parts the characters both have.
- Build Persona Right-click Menu: A character's persona can not only trigger body motion as before, but also the character's facial expressions and more other data as mentioned above. Simply use the perform command in the right-click menu and the character can perform complete animations.
- Minimum Files for Export: If you want to export characters with their motions, expressions and accessories to external 3D tools, then you do not need to separately export them into different FBX files and combine them later on in 3D tools like you used to do. Simply use the MotionPlus format to include all and the number of files required for export can thus be minimized.
Data Included in MotionPlus
MotionPlus is a new format used for combining different motion or animation types into a single iClone character. It can include the body motions, facial animations, constraint keys, spring stages or even the accessories' data. Please refer to the table below:
Character's Data in iClone |
Includable by MotionPlus |
Motion |
Body Motions |
Motion Clip |
O |
Right Hand Clips |
O (baked to motion) |
Left Hand Clips |
O (baked to motion) |
Motion Layer Keys |
O (baked to motion) |
Constraint Keys |
Look At |
O (baked to motion) |
HIK (HumanIK) Reach & Foot Contact |
O (baked to motion) |
Path |
O (baked to motion) |
Link |
O (baked to motion) |
Facial Animations |
Voice Clips |
O |
Lipsync Keys |
O |
Expression Clips |
O |
Facial Layer Keys |
O |
Sound |
O |
Visible |
O |
Spring State |
O |
Accessory Data |
Animations |
O |
Sound |
O |
Visible |
O |
Spring State |
O |
Please refer to the links below for more information: