Saving and Loading Material Plus

The benefits of Material Plus is that it can apply multiple materials with a number of parameter adjustments with a single deployment.

Saving Material Plus

Saving modified material settings as a new material plus template may help you to quickly keep the settings in one file instead of saving the materials into individual files one after another.

  1. Select the object.
  2. Check out the Material tab and you will see all the materials applied to this object in the list.

    These materials are applied to different areas of the object.
  3. Click the Save Material Plus button above the material list.
  4. Browse to the destination folder to store the materials into a single template file (*.iMtlPlus).
  5. You can adjust the material settings with the same steps and create a collection of material plus files for this object.

Loading Material

  1. Select the target object.

  2. Click the down arrow button and choose Load Material Plus as shown below.
  3. Select either one of the material plus saved previously.
  4. All materials of the object will be updated at once.