In iClone, Spring Effects of characters or props that contain
bone-structures can be turned on or off, so that the bones can sometimes
auto-animate along with the motions of the characters or props and other
be manually animated by key-frame-editing with IK / FK
Turning Spring Effects On/Off
Load a character or a prop with spring effects on specific bones (in this
case, the character has been given spring effects on the ears and the tail
Apply motions to the character, you can see the spring effect triggers the
bones to auto-bounce.
Bones with Auto Spring Effects: The ears and the tail.
Make sure the character is selected and go to a specific time frame when you
want to turn off the spring effect.
In the Spring section of the Modify panel, select the bones
for which you want to turn the spring effects off via the Select Spring drop-down list.
Press down the Off button.
Go to another time frame, click the On button to turn the spring effect on again.
Play back to view the result of the different spring effect settings.
The Spring keys can be found in the
character or prop's Spring track in the
Please refer to the
Spring Track section for more information.
Manually Animating Bones with Spring Effects Off
When the spring effect of a bone string is turned off, you are able to manually
adjust the bone via IK or FK methods to create key-frame animation for it.