Guides for PopcornFX Super Tools > Mesh Emitter > Relations between Blend Modes and Particle Resources

Relations between Blend Modes and Particle Resources

For the PopcornFX particle, each blend mode has four sources for mesh-based particles. You can find them from the list in the Particle section.

The relationships can be summed up in the following table:

Blend Mode

Mesh Max

Particle Resource

Solid Color Lit

1, 2, 3 or 4

Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_1, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_2, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_3, Emitter/Solid_Color/Mesh_4


1, 2, 3 or 4

Emitter/Additive/Mesh_1, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_2, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_3, Emitter/Additive/Mesh_4

The items with suffix "_1, _2, _3, _4" are used for emitting meshes with four different target shapes. Please refer to the following section for more information: