Wave Settings


  • Adjust the numeric fields or drag the triangles to set the ranges for the x-, y-, and z-axis.
  • The Min and Max numbers are, by default, identical numbers of positive and negative.
  • Click up the Lock in order to set the Min and Max number in different values.
  • Set the Space to World or Local coordinate for the object to offsets.


  • Adjust the numeric fields or drag the triangles to set angles for the rotation angles.
  • The Min and Max numbers are, by default, identical numbers of positive and negative.
  • Click up the Lock in order to set the Min and Max number in different values.


  • Adjust the numeric fields or drag the triangles to set the ranges for the W (width) and H (height).
  • Activate the Lock Ratio checkbox for uniform scale.

Common Settings for Move, Rotate and Scale Amplitudes

  • Tween:
    The Tween setting can be set to "Linear", "Noise", "Random Cyclic" or "Step".

    Play the following video to view the movement patterns for different tween options.
  • Loop Duration (Frames):
    Set the Loop Duration (Frames) as the length for each wave in frames. You can consider it as the interval length for each wave.