Rotation Puppetry for Objects

  1. Create an object for puppetry.
  2. Make sure the object is selected and start the Motion Pilot mode.
  3. Disable the Move checkbox and activate the Rotate checkbox.
  4. Set the value for the R slider to determine the rotating sensitivity for puppetry.
  5. Click the Rotate > Input Axis drop-down list to choose the mouse cursor direction for driving the rotation.

    Mouse Cursor Direction and Rotation
  6. Click the Preview button and press the Spacebar to start previewing.
  7. If you are satisfied with the moving result, then press the Preview button again to stop preview mode.
  8. Set the Move settings, including X, Y and Z, to simulate the swaying and falling animations.
  9. Press down the Preview button and hit the space key to preview again.
  10. Press down the Record button and hit the space key to start recording the driven movements.
  11. Press the space key again to stop recording.
  12. Open the timeline and click the Transform button. As you can see the puppeteering results are all recorded as transform keys.