Quick Guide for Generating Motion Path Animation

Motion Path animation involves manually creating a motion path and then moving objects, such as characters, props, text bubbles, or special effect elements, along that path.

  1. Click the Create Path button on the toolbar.
  2. Click on the viewport to draw a custom path; to finish the path, right-click on the viewport (or press ESC key).
  3. Create an object (in this case, a ball with sequence animation).
  4. Go to the frame for the object to start move on the path. Right-click on the object and choose the Path > Pick Path command.
  5. Click on the starting anchor point on the path. The object will snap to the anchor point instantly.
  6. Go to another time frame.
  7. Make sure the object is selected and click the Path Properties button on the toolbar.
  8. Drag the Progression slider to 100.

    This step move the object to the 100% point of the path, which is the end of the path.
  9. Open the Timeline and the Path track of the object. As you can see the path keys are auto-added.
  10. Right-click on the latter key and choose the Transition Curve item in the right-click menu.

    In this case, the Accelerate template is taken.
  11. Playback to view the result.