Project Settings
In the Project Settings panel you may adjust the length of the project, the time unit shown on the time counter, the viewing method of the camera and the background.
Click the Project Settings button to open the Project Settings panel.
Project Settings panel will show.

- Select Time Unit: You may decide to display the time unit in either frame format or time format.
- Animation Length:
The default length for each project is 2,000 frames.
The maximum frame number is 27,000; that is, 15 minutes at maximum.
You may set the project length based on the time unit you select.
- When the time unit is set to Frame, enter the required frame count. There are 30 frames in one second.
- When the time unit is set to Time, enter the required time length (mm:ss:sss).

The setting within this group can determine the outlines of the objects in the scene to be still or ever-changing by scaling or zoom in/out.
- During Object Scale:
This setting determines if you want the outlines to change along the scaling of the objects.
(Some body parts are scaled up)ON
(The line widths are unified and fixed) - During Camera Zoom and Object Scale:
This setting determines if you want the outlines to change along the scaling, zoom in and out or z-value changing of the objects.
Please note that you may need to manually set the line width after one of these two settings is activated.

The Safe Area determines the exportable area on the stage.
It is shown in blue rectangle as shown below:
With the safe area, you are able to see or further edit the objects (character, props, etc.) that are
outside of the stage but will be animated into the stage at specific times.
Stage without the Safe Area (in CTA 1). You can only see the objects inside of the stage.
Stage with Safe Area (in CTA 2). You are able to see and edit the objects outside of the stage.
Drag the slider to show the ideal outside area.
Safe Area = 100
Safe Area = 50
You may determine the size of the area by setting the Frame Size or Output Size
in the Export Settings panel.
Safe Area = 50
Frame Size = 800 x 600Safe Area = 50
Frame Size = 600 x 800 -
Only the screen within the Safe Area can be exported to
media (images, videos).
Only the objects within the Safe Area will be exported.

In this section, you may set the background of your project to a solid color or to a prepared image.
- Click the Color Picker to select a solid color as the background of the current project.
Activate the Active image box and then click the
button to load any prepared image as the background.
Select from the Display Mode drop-down list to define the mapping method for the image background.Prepared Image
2 X 4

By default, Cartoon Animator compacts all loaded
video files into a project file, which increases the total size of the project.
To prevent this, you may click on the External Files button to have all the video files saved as external files.
This can solve the over-sized project issue. However, do remember to move all the
video files together, along with the project file if you move the project to another folder destination.