Subsurface Scatter

The Subsurface Scatter section can be used to adjust the light transmission effect through the skin.

Basic Settings

  • SSS Falloff: This color determines the final color shown on the shadow area after the light pass through the thin areas (ears, for example).

    SSS Falloff = #FF5E4C (Default, Orange)

    SSS Falloff = #FFAA00 (Yellow)

  • SSS Radius: This value determine the overall volume of the light passing through the skin.

    SSS Radius = 1.500

    SSS Radius = 10.000

Advanced Settings

  • Nose, Mouth, Upper Lid, Inner Lid, Ear, Neck, Cheek, Forehead, Upper Lip, Chin and Unmasked Scatter Scale: These sliders change the strength of the SSS effects defined in the Area Mask Textures. Take the Nose as an example, modifying the value of the slider can cause different SSS on the nose only.

    Nose Scatter Scale = 0.500

    Nose Scatter Scale = 2.000

  • SSS Distribution: This setting determines if the light scattered to be more widespread or convergent.

    SSS Distribution = 0.500

    SSS Distribution = 0.990

  • SSS IOR: This value defines the Index of Refraction level of the thin skin.

    SSS Distribution = 0.850

    SSS IRO = 2.000

    SSS Distribution = 0.850

    SSS IRO = 1.000