Creating Custom Clothes (New for v1.5)

In addition to use the embedded clothing templates, you are allowed to generate custom clothes with your favorite 3D tools in order to generate more custom clothes.

The main two steps for creating a custom clothes are:

Step 1. Modification from Existing Cloth

If you have installed 3DXchange Pipeline Version, then you can use the existing cloth templates in iClone Character Creator as the base for modification into a custom cloth in your favorite 3D tools.

Please also refer to the Modification from Existing Clothed Character section for more information.


  • If you only have installed 3DXchange Pro Version, then you must download 3 template characters (in FBX format) as the base for creating clothes in your 3D tools from scratch instead of using the ready template in iClone Character Creator.
  • Please also refer to the Creating Custom Clothes documentation for more information about using the nude character for creating custom clothes.

Step 2: Import Designed Assets

After you have created assets (cloth, hair...) based on the character exported in the previous step wit your 3D tools, you can then load them back to iClone Character Creator to create custom outfit or assets.

Please also refer to the Importing Designed Assets section for more information.