Collecting Items by Drag-n-drop

Content Manager supports drag-and-drop for quickly adding content to a collection. You can drag multiple items or content folders and drop them on the collection. Conversely, you can drag the collection and drop it on an item or a content folder.
Make sure you have added a collection to the My Collections category, either through the items' right-click context menu or the Collection Editor.

If you want to add multiple items to an existing collection, then follow the steps below.
- In whichever tab, find the desired items in their categories.
You can enable the Show Subfolder Items checkbox to view all items in subfolders.
- Select one or several items from the shelf.
Drag them to a collection.
- As you can see, the target collection count is updated and a success message appears.
Click the Go button.
The message will automatically disappear after five seconds. If you do not instantly click Go to inspect the collection, then you can manually click on the collection to display its contents. - Click on a collection to view its member items.

You can drag a collection onto a template or custom asset to add it.
- In whichever tab, find the desired items in their categories.
You can enable the Show Subfolder Items checkbox to view all items in subfolders.
- Drag and drop a collection onto a desired item.
- As you can see, the collection count is updated and a success message appears.
Click the Go button.
The message will automatically disappear after five seconds. If you do not instantly click Go to inspect the collection, then you can manually click on the collection to display its contents. - Click on a collection to view its contents.

If you want to add all items inside one or multiple folders to an existing collection, then follow the steps below.
- In whichever tab, deactivate the Show Subfolder Items checkbox to show the folder icons.
Find the desired content in their categories.
- Select one or multiple folders from the right shelf.
- Drag them to a collection.
* Dragging subfolder from the tree-view or dragging subfolder together with items is also allowed. - As you can see, the target collection count is updated and a success message appears.
Click the Go button.
The message disappears after five seconds. If you do not instantly click Go to inspect the collection, then you can manually click on the collection to display its contents. - Click on a collection to view its member items.
* In the virtual collection folder, all template or custom contents are displayed at the same level. No additional item folders will be created inside a collection. However, for custom content, you can create virtual custom packs to keep a content file structure with the Packager panel.

You can drag a collection and drop on a folder to collect all items inside a folder.
- In whichever tab, deactivate the Show Subfolder Items checkbox to show the folder icons.
Find the desired content in their categories.
- Drag and drop a collection onto a desired folder.
- As you can see, the collection count is updated and a success message appears.
Click the Go button.
The message will automatically disappear after five seconds. If you do not instantly click Go to inspect the collection, then you can manually click on the collection to display its contents. - Click on a collection to view its contents.
* In the virtual collection folder, all template or custom contents are displayed at the same level. No additional item folders will be created inside a collection. However, for custom content, you can create virtual custom packs to keep a content file structure with the Packager panel.