Post Processing
After a custom character has been set correctly (joint masks,
render styles, etc.),
you still need to perform some
post-processing to make the character complete.
Using Calibration Panel
In the Composer Mode, click the
Calibration button to show the panel.
Click on one of the template buttons to examine the look when the character performs
these default motions.
In addition to the default motions, you can also use the Load Motion button to check your
character's results with your own prepared motions.�
You can check the hand motion by loading the Check Hand Pose.ctMotion,
which can be found in the zip file that you downloaded earlier.
Default Pose
You can give your character a different default pose as well, which will be its default pose every time you apply it to the stage.
The default pose is meant to give an actor a specific personality.
Go back to Stage Mode and right click on the character.
Choose Action Menu >> Action Menu Editor from the right-click menu.
The Action Menu Editor will show.
Click on the Add button and load a prepared motion.
Put the motion on the top of the Action Menu list.
The first frame of that motion will become the character's default pose.
Naming and Saving Character
The final step to complete the character creation procedure is to give the character a name
and then save it into the library.
Select the character in Stage Mode.
Open the Scene Manager.
Rename the character.
Open the Content Manager, switch to the Actor tab.
Add this character to the Character library by clicking the
Add button.
Rename the character. Now the character is a complete G2 character.