Texture Adjustment

Texture Adjustment panel is loaded with texture related tools for customizing the appearances of the head:

  1. Eye Color: A tool that let you pick the proper eye color for your character. For further detail please refer to the page Eye Color.
  2. Skin Type: The section for choosing skin type of the head. For further detail please refer to the page Skin Type.
  3. Skin Color: A tool that let you pick the preferred skin color for your character. For further detail please refer to the page Skin Color.
  4. Skin Settings: This is the section loaded with custom skin and face mask options. For further detail please refer to the page Skin Settings.
  5. Max Texture Size: A pull-down menu for you to choose the texture size generated by Headshot. Available options are 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024, 2048 x 2048 and 4096 x 4096.
  6. Texture Update: By checking Auto Update, Headshot will update any change made inside Texture Adjustment section right away. If you prefer to update the result manually, press Update Skin Texture after modifying settings inside Texture Adjustment section.