Settings for RGB Mask Layer

The RGB Mask Layer is the top layer in the Material Modifier mechanism.

And this layer is composed of three different sub-layers, Red, Green and Blue.

The RGB Mask is an image which integrates grayscale regions data in Red, Green and Blue channels which divides the character's material into specific parts.

With the data, you can separately adjust partial material through the Tweak - RGB Sub-section, unlike the Base subsection that is mostly used to adjust the entire character's material.

RGB Mask Settings

In the Tweak - RGB subsection, there are subsections for adjusting the colors in the R, G, B regions.

You can activate the Check RGB Mask checkbox to view the RGB regions distributed on the character.

Settings in Red (Skin), Green (Hair) and Blue (Oral Cavity) Subsections

There are identical settings in the three sub-sections to adjust the specified regions, Skin, Hair and Oral / Cavity.


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