Using the Viseme Dictionary

AccuLips references from a vast viseme dictionary behind the scenes. In addition to embedding custom words and visemes, you can also share the dictionary with other collaborators on the same iClone project.

You have access to tools for exporting, importing, finding, or retrieving the default dictionary from the Preference > Dictionary section.

  1. Export: Exports the current dictionary to a desired directory.
  2. Import: Imports the exported dictionary to replace the current one in the program.
  3. Find File: Finds the location of the dictionary on your system.
  4. Reset to Default: Reinstates the default dictionary. Keep in mind that the all custom keywords and visemes will be erased, so it would be prudent to make a backup of your current settings (using the Export button).

The dictionary is actually a word file in which the vocabularies and their paired visemes are defined. You can directly edit the dictionary file if you are familiar with phonology.