Control Section

Snap to Grid

Snaps objects to the intersection points of the floor grid when they are manipulated by the Move tool (X and Y values only).

Snap to Model

Snaps the prop to planes of the adjacent props when they are manipulated by the Move tool.

Transform Gizmo

Toggles the gizmo mode on/off in the preview window. Please refer to the Gizmo of Objects in Preview Window section for more information.

Zoom to Mouse Position

When deactivated, zooming in and out will be pivoted to the center of the view-port. When activated, zooming is pivoted to the position of the mouse cursor.

Zoom to Mouse Position = ON

Zoom to Mouse Position = OFF
(Based on the center of the view-port)

Confine Face Puppet Area to 3D View-port

When this box is activated, then the interaction area for facial puppeteering will be restrained within the 3D view-port. When deactivated, the entire display screen will be the interaction area.

Confine Face Puppet Area to 3D View-port = ON

Confine Face Puppet Area to 3D View-port = OFF

Angle Snap

You may check this box and define an angle that your objects will snap to when they are manipulated by the Rotate tool. They will rotate by the specified angle each time.

Angle Snap= 45

Quick Thumbnail Generation

When you add a selected content into a library, the Quick Thumbnail Generation box create its thumbnail by rendering with what you currently see on the preview window. With the example below, the sofa is selected and will be added to the content library:

Quick Thumbnail Generation is Activated (Faster): The entire preview window will be captured as the thumbnail.

Quick Thumbnail Generation is Deactivated (Slower): The thumbnail shows only the selected object; however, it takes longer to add to the library.

Sync Template and Custom Category

When this box is activated, the selected libraries remain unchanged when you switch between the Template and Custom categories.

On the contrary, if it is deactivated, then the selected libraries can be different between the Template and Custom categories.

Keep Original Thumbnail

Activate this box when you want to overwrite content without changing its thumbnail. If this box is deactivated, then the thumbnail will be rendered in accordance with the Quick Thumbnail Generate setting.

Enlarged content preview on mouse-over (contents created after iClone v7.3)

Activate this option so that when mousing over any template thumbnail in the Content Manager will display a larger, more detailed preview window.

Enlarged texture preview on mouse-over

Activate this option so that when mousing over any texture channel in the Texture Settings section will display a larger, more detailed preview window.

Compress Motions on Save

This 3 level slider determines the level of compression for body motions when saved via Timeline / Collect Clip or Content Manager / Add. The better the quality of the compression the larger the file size. When left unchecked, saved motions remain uncompressed.

  1. Best: Provides the least amount of compression; it maintains high fidelity to the original motion data; the file size will be bigger as result.
  2. When the setting is between Poor and Best, a mid-level motion compression is performed.
  3. Poor: Provides the most amount of compression -the original motion data becomes highly optimized; the file size will be smaller as a result.

Timeline Audio Scrubbing

Scrubbing the timeline will play back the sounds and voices.

Auto-Align Playhead

  • Activated (Default) : Playhead matches the position of the mouse click.
  • Deactivated: If you would like to view the current frame while editing keys in the timeline, such as dragging an animation clip, we recommend turning Auto-align Playhead off so the playhead is not affected by the positioning of the mouse commands.

The following video demonstrates the benefits of having the playhead stay put as one goes about editing motion clips.

Auto-play Motion Clip After Apply

Check this box so that the motion clip automatically starts once you apply it to an actor.

Scroll timeline when playing

Activate this checkbox to scroll the timeline during playback, this ensures that the playhead always stays in view within the timeline.