Serial and Multiple Constraints

There are many ways to structure your physics object relations, you will see different methods and their corresponding applications; and also different ways to observe the relationship via color coding and user interfaces.

One to One - Serial Connection

The serial-connection application means that a rigid body is constrained, while is also a target of other rigid bodies as described in the following illustration:

This method is suitable for creating physics structures with serial elements, such as chains, trains or caterpillar-like structures.

Please refer to the Creating a Series-Connected Chain section for more information.

Many to One

The many-to-one application means that several rigid bodies are constrained, while a single physics object is their mutual target as described in the following illustration:

This method is suitable for creating physics structures with legs, limbs or wheels, such as insects or cars.

Please refer to the Individual Constrained Objects with Single Target section for more information.

One to Many

The one-to-many application means to apply multiple constraints in a single rigid body, while targeting many other individual physics objects as described in the following illustration:

This method is suitable for creating joint physics structures for machines; or when you need to stabilize a physics structure from jittering because of the collisions between each physics object within the structure.

Please refer to the following sections for more information: