Transforming Control Points

After creating a path with several control points, you can select and transform certain control points to change the shape of the path. Take the path below for example:

Before selecting the control points, you need to select the path and enter the Edit Point mode by clicking the Edit Point button on the Modify panel.


Drag the transfer gizmo to move the selected control points.

Hotkeys when Gizmo is off

  • Dragging left mouse button: Moves control points on XY plane.
  • Ctrl + Up or Down arrow keys: Moves control points on Z axis (vertically).
  • Alt + Up or Down arrow Keys: Moves control points on Y axis.
  • Alt + Left or Right arrow keys: Moves control points on X axis.


Drag the rotate gizmo to rotate the selected control points

Hotkeys when Gizmo is off

  • Dragging left mouse button: Rotates control points on XY plane.
  • Dragging right mouse button: Rotates control points on XZ plane.
  • Dragging both mouse buttons: Rotates control points on YZ plane.


Drag the scale gizmo to spread or gather the selected control points

Hotkeys when Gizmo is off

  • Dragging left mouse button: Spreads or gathers control points proportionally.
  • Dragging right mouse button: Spreads or gathers control points vertically.
  • Dragging both mouse buttons: Spreads or gathers control points along horizontally.