Puppetry Multiple Objects

Simulating natural flock behavior and controlling the animation tempo has never been simpler. You can establish a leader and its followers, define the animation sequences, and choose between uniform or random delay times to create organic swarms.

See Also: World and Local Settings for Multiple Objects Puppetry

  1. Create a scene and add an object.
  2. Make sure the object is selected and enter Motion Pilot mode.
  3. Enable Transform > Move and adjust the settings under this group.
    *You are always free to increase more settings in the Transform and Motion sections.

    Please refer to the World and Local Settings for Motion Pilot section for more information.
  4. Also activate the Face Cursor checkbox and choose the Turn (Override Rotation) radio button in the same section to let the object face the mouse cursor.
  5. Click the Preview button and press the Spacebar to start previewing.
  6. If you are satisfied with the result, then press the space bar again to stop previewing.
  7. Apply more objects.
  8. Define the leader in group with three methods:
    • Deselect all object --> pick the leader first --> hold the Ctrl key --> select the rest members one by one in the group --> open the Motion Pilot panel.
    • Open the Motion Pilot panel --> select the leader --> hold the Ctrl key --> select the rest members one by one in the group.
    • Select all object --> open Motion Pilot panel --> click the eyedropper button in the Flock Settings section --> click on the leader in the group.

    ** Keep in mind that the settings, in the Transform, Wave and Motion sections, of the leader will be temporarily applied to the other members in the flock.
  9. Set the Follow delay type:
    • None: No interval between each members. All objects behave identically during the puppeteering.
    • Uniform: There is a fixed time interval between each objects for puppeteering. You can specify the interval time (unit: frame) by entering an ideal number.
    • Random: The puppeteering time interval is dynamic and random. You can specify the range in the Delay Time Min and Max fields.
  10. Press down the Preview button and hit the space key to start previewing.


    Uniform (Delay Time: 2)


    Random (Delay Time Min: 2, Max: 60)

  11. If you are satisfied with the moving result, then press the Preview button again to stop preview mode.
  12. Press down the Record button and hit the space key to start recording the driven movements.
  13. Press the space key again to stop recording.
  14. The objects' Transform tracks will be automatically filled up with keys.