Creating Motion Path from Transform Keys

When you have an object moving with transform keys, and the trajectory is ideal, you can proceed to create a motion path. This allows multiple objects to utilize the same path without needing to repeatedly set identical transform keys, ultimately saving a significant amount of time when producing similar transform animations.

  1. Create an object.
  2. Create object animation by manually setting transform keys or using Motion Pilot.
  3. Generating path from the transform keys using one of two methods:
    • Right-click Context Menu: Right-click on the object and choose the Convert Transform Trajectory to Path command.
    • Timeline Transform Track: Select the desired transform keys of the object and right-click to show the pop-up menu. Choose the Convert to Path command.
  4. You will see a new motion path generated in the scene.

    You can also hide or delete the object afterward.
  5. Create a new object.
  6. Right-click on the object and choose the Path > Pick Path command.
  7. Click on the starting point of the motion path. Pick a Method in the following pop-up window.
    • Use Path Keys (chosen by default): The RTS data on the path (step 4) will be automatically applied to the object.
    • Default: The object snap to the picked anchor point (in this case, the start one) with a path key automatically added to the path track. You need to manually set path keys to animation the object.