Performance Enhancements

When you are limited by low-end computing power, and resources are in need to improve the performance of SkinGen, then you can utilize the methods described on this page.

  • Access the Dynamic Texture Editor section in the Preference panel for showing or hiding clothing and accessories, setting low-memory warning message, and activating DDS settings when enter the SkinGen editor.
  • Adjusting in Low Resolution: It is suggested you adjust layer settings in lower resolution (ex, 512 x 512) and then switch to high resolution (2048 x 2048 or 4096 x 4096) after the adjustments are done.
  • Flattening or Making Static: You can flatten or make a layers static when you no longer need to adjust its settings. This will speed up the load time for Appearance Editor.

  • Using Fewer Layers with Merge Feature: By merging some of the layers in the Skin Base layer, that are no longer needed for adjustment.