Creating G3 Template Bone Characters with Vector Editor

By working with image editors, you can turn any SVG graphics into a G3 Template Bone character in Cartoon Animator. The converted character can then be animated with tons of motion templates from the Animation library.

Video Tutorial

The following steps will describe how to create a G3 template bone character with a Vector Editor, and then bring it into Cartoon Animator for animation.

  1. Create and Import the Character. In accordance with the angle of your character, you can apply either of the methods for creating characters from the templates.
  2. You will see four sub-layers under "Layer 1".
    • Before Export Turn off visibility: Contains bone names.
    • RLBoneHuman: Contains circles representing the character's body bones.
    • RLBoneHead: Contains circles representing the character's head bones.
    • RLImage: Contains graphics depicting the character's head and body appearances.
  3. Open any sub-layer under "RLImage" and replace the original content with custom graphics.

    The result of the replaced body part.
  4. Save the SVG project (Ctrl+S).
  5. Return to Cartoon Animator, you will get a standard character with replaced body part.
  6. Repeat the same steps until the shapes are all replaced by the one in the Vector Editor.

    Press Ctrl+S to update the SVG character in Cartoon Animator.
  7. You can then animate the character by applying G3 Human motion template from the Animation library to the character.