Storing Content in Multiple Drives

The smart Content Manager allows you to store template and custom contents in multiple drives for flexible content management, viewing, sharing, transferring, and project collaboration among workgroup members.

Content Management
& Storage

Template Content

Custom Content

Online Inventory Management

Local Content Management

Default Assets Folder

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Templates\

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reallusion\Reallusion Custom\

Multiple Drive Access

Local Drives
(For example, D:\ [specified folder] \ [Author Name] \ [Pack Name] \ [structure in pack])

Local Drives
(For example, D:\ [Custom Folder] \Reallusion Custom\)

USB Drives
(For example, F:\ [specified folder] \ [Author Name] \ [Pack Name] \ [structure in pack])

USB Drives
(For example, F:\ [Custom Folder] \Reallusion Custom\)

Network Drives
(For example, K:\ [specified folder] \ [Author Name] \ [Pack Name] \ [structure in pack])

Network Drives
(For example, K:\ [Custom Folder] \Reallusion Custom\)

Search Scope

All contents across multiple drives

Contents in current custom drive only

Sync Capability

Online sync with content server (via Content Manager Menu)

Auto-sync Custom Folder with file explorer (via Content Manager Settings)

Please refer to the following sections for more information:


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