Splitting Pedestrian Traffic using Weights (New for v. 8.4)

When a connection route is created on a control point, pedestrians will also flow into that direction. You can use the Weight values to control the amount of flow in either directions.

  1. Create a connection route between two walkways.

    If you let actors walk on the paths with Motion Director, each actor will randomly choose the path they will take.
  2. Start the Edit Path mode.
    • Right-click on the desired walkway and choose Path > Edit Path command.
    • Select the desired walkway and click the Edit Path button on the Modify panel.
    • Double-click on the control point for creating connection route of the desired walkway.
  3. Click on the control point with connection route built.

  4. As you can see there are three numbers indicates the three branches on the control point.

    Refer to the User Interface Introduction for Connection Settings for more information.
  5. Adjust the weight of the connection route (in this extreme case, the actors will always walk toward the connection route when they reach this control point).
  6. Let actors walk on the paths with Motion Director feature, each actor goes on the connection route only.