Creating Key-Frame Animations for the Body

  1. Follow either the FBX or Live link workflow to create the character's blueprint.
  2. Follow the general steps to show the body animation gizmos and create a Sequencer.
  3. It is recommended to run the editor utility widget in the Content Browser to facilitate the picking of body parts.
    1. Find the editor utility widget named "CC_CR_Picker" in the "All > Content > CC_Rigs" folder.
    2. Right-click it and choose the Run Editor Utility Widget command in the context menu.
    3. The CC CR Picker panel will appear. Choose the appropriate blueprint from the Actor drop-down list.
    4. This panel is convenient for picking body part controls.
  4. In the Sequencer panel, expand the sub-tracks of the body rig. You can also switch on the Auto Key toggle to simplify the hand-key animation process.
  5. Click the + button of the body rig track to add full-body keys.
  6. Go to desired timeframes and adjust the character's poses to have more full-body keys added to the track.
  7. Once all the keys are set, the full-body animation will be completed.