Spotlight (New for v2.0)

The Spotlight allows you to light up the specific part of the character in order to drag the attention of the audience. The adjustable parameters are Multiplier, Color, Range, Decay in the Intensity group and Angle and Falloff in the Spotlight Beam group.

Utilizing Spotlight

In the following example, the flashlight is actually a prop mapped with a glow texture; it does not give off real light at all. By placing a Spotlight at the same place, you can create an illusion that the prop is emitting lights.

The original rendererd result of the project.  There are no light sources in the scene.

  1. Applying a spotlight to Character Creator.
  2. Select the Spotlight in the Scene Manger, and move it in the 3D viewer to the correct position.
  3. Go to the Light section in the Modify panel.
  4. Change the color of the light.
  5. Adjust the Intensity and/or Beam of the spotlight to achieve the ideal result.