Searching and Filtering Content

You can quickly find the desired items, packs, and custom content by using search rules, display filters, and search options.
Type in the keyword in the Search field to find and display content. Click the X button in the field can clear the search and start a new search.
- Partial Word Search: Content Manager will return items with the prefix of a partial word matches to the given keyword.
For example, typed in "car" in the search field will return items such as "Cardboard Box.iProp", etc.
Items with names completely matching the keyword will be ranked higher. - Multiple Keyword Search: Use a space (" "), comma (","), or an underline ("_") to separate your keywords for an union search.
For example, type in keywords "green grape, bear" will retrieve items like "Green Grape.iMtl", etc.
Items whose names with more words matching the keyword will be ranked higher, when the search option is set to File Name only. - Sorting: The list order will follow the sorting option, like "Sort by Category: A to Z".
The keyword string is not case-sensitive, so even if you use the string "AXE", the item named "Axe.ccAcc" comes before the one named "AXE.iprop". - All: Displays all available content, no matter if they are installed (shown with colored thumbnails), uninstalled (shown with grayscale thumbnails), or required for update.
- Installed: Displays content that have been installed, including those content installed on different drives.
They are presented by colored thumbnails.
- Not Installed: Displays content that are free-download, or have been purchased but yet downloaded and installed.
They are presented by grayscale thumbnails, marked with an
icon on the upper-right corner.
- Updates: Shows the single items or packs with items that are currently updated on the content server.
They are presented by colored thumbnails, marked with an
icon on the upper-right corner. You can determine if you want to update the content ever installed on your local machine.
- File Name: Finds and displays the assets whose item or pack names match the keyword.
- Author: Finds and displays the assets whose author names match the keyword.
- Tag & Collection: Finds and displays the content with tag or collection names completely matching the keyword.
- Folder Name: Finds and displays the content whose parent folder name matching the keyword.
- When the checkbox is activated by default, the current keyword in the Search field will copy to another tab when you switch between the Template and Custom tabs.
- On the contrary, if it is deactivated, then the keyword used for search can be different between the Template and Custom tabs.

Click the Filter button to switch the Display options to show template content in different installation status.

All the search options are enabled by default. You can uncheck options to narrow down the search scope in Content Manager. Refer to the Search Options section to find some scenarios.

Content Manager tracks the keywords that you have typed in, or developer tags you have clicked from the Content Information panel.
Place the cursor in the text field, and you can easily find the recently used keywords from the list.
The history stack will display a maximum of 10 entries. Click either one in the list to retrieve the search result again, or click "X" to remove a specific entry.

You can use the same keywords for search between item or pack view, template or custom content in different tabs by toggling on the Sync Template and Custom Categories option in the Settings panel.

By clicking the Deep Search icon in the search field during a search session, you can launch the Smart Search panel.
In the panel you can explore online content in the same category with identical keyword.
* The content categories in the Deep Search (Beta) tab of the Smart Search panel differ slightly from those in the Content Manager.
Unlike the Content Manager, which returns generalized results, Deep Search will only return 3D models currently.