Creating Subfolders in Custom Packs (New for v1.2)

With Smart Gallery, you can create unlimited subfolders in a custom pack in order to organize the contents in the pack.

  1. Open the Smart Gallery (Shift + F4) and select the Custom node in the Pack View.
  2. Make sure you have created custom packs.
  3. Double-click to open either one of the custom pack that contents are saved in it already.
  4. Expand a node (main category) in the Tree View at the left side of the pack.
  5. Hover mouse cursor to one of the sub categories and you will see an + icon shows.
  6. Click the icon and the Create Subfolder panel shows. Type in the subfolder name.
  7. Click the OK button and a new subfolder will be added under the subcategory.
  8. If you select the subfolder, you will see three icons for Renaming the Subfolder, Creating Subfolder under Current Subfolder and Deleting Current Subfolder.
  9. You can then move contents in this pack to the subfolder.