The Introduction for DOF Related User Interface

Modify Panel


Activate: Check this box to activate the DOF effect.


Focus Settings:

  • Pick Target: Push this button and click on the surface on the view port to determine the target mesh to be focused. It will automatically set the value of the Focus Distance.
  • Focus Distance: You can use this value to fine-tune the focus distance to a part that can not be selected from the view port, such as the leaves of speed trees.
  • Perfect Focus Range: Set a range that will be clearly focused. The value times two defines the perfect focus range. Every object within this range will be free of blurriness.


Blur (De-focus) Settings: Use these sliders to determine the width of the near and far transition regions and the blur levels for the completely de-focused near and far regions.


Blur Edge Sample Scale: This value is used to fixed some sharp-edge imperfection of the objects in the de-focused or transition regions.


Bokeh Type: This drop-down list can be used to determine the glowing shapes for the highlights in the blur or transition regions.


View DOF Regions: Activate this checkbox in order to view the different regions in their representative colors.

Preference Panel

Open the Preference panel (Shortcut: Ctrl + P), in the Real-time Render Options section, you can find the DOF related settings. They are used to visibly render the DOF in the viewport. Please keep in mind that for exported media, the settings are always ON even if they are deactivated in the Preference panel.


Depth of Field: These two settings can have the most accurate DOF real-time render effect. However, they also consume a lot of system resources. You can consider turning them OFF for lower-end system devices because it will not influence the final rendered result (always ON).

  • Soften Edge: Activate this checkbox to have Blur Edge Sample Scale value (4th item in the previous table) take effect in the view port.
  • Correct Transparency: Enable to correctly render out of focus objects behind semi-transparent materials.