Introducing the Edit Motion Layer Panel

Click these two buttons to retrieve the base pose. Please refer to the Setting Default Keys and Resetting Motion Layer Keys section for more information.

Click the tabs to switch to IK, Mask or Detail modes for editing bones.

Select one of the effector points to offset the
corresponding bones.
: A selected joint. You may use it to lock the corresponding body part or move the joint to offset the corresponding body part.
: A free joint. Auto-update the location and orientation of the corresponding body part when you are editing another body part.
: A move-locked joint. It causes the corresponding body part not to move when you are editing another body part.
: A rotate-locked effector point. It causes the corresponding body part not to rotate when you are editing another body part.
: A locked joint. It causes the corresponding body part not to move nor rotate when you are editing another body part.
: A joint with activated blend weight.
: A quick lock. Use it to quickly lock or unlock the T and R (
) of the corresponding body part.
Please refer to the Locking Bones section for more information.

Each joint's translation and rotation can be locked as designed; by using these profiles, you can quickly pin specific joints.
- Lock the translation of the selected joint.
- Lock the rotation of the selected joint.
- Lock both feet.
- Lock both hands.
- Lock hands and feet.
- Lock both toes.
- Unlock all joints.

Simultaneously edit the bilateral bones, copy the bones' status to the opposite sides, or mirror the entire pose. Refer to the How to use Mirror settings section for more information.

- Full Body: In this mode, all joints can be selected and triggered to move by translation of the entire joints.
- Body Part:
In this mode, only the limbs joints can be selected and triggered by the translation of the joints in the same limb.

Click these two buttons to set keys for each bone, based on current pose, or retrieve the base pose. Please refer to the Resetting Motion Layer Keys section for more information.

- Press the Viewport Controller button to show colored controllers on the screen, which helps you to easily pick specific bones from the viewport.
- Activate the Bone Display Mode box to show the bones or the bounding boxes for each body parts,
which facilitates the picking of the parts.
Bone Edit Mode: Off.
Bone Edit Mode: On.
Click the Bone Settings button to adjust the appearance of the bones. (Please note that you may activate Affect to all bones to change the appearance of all the bones.)
- Bone Size: Adjust the bone size for more easier picking or to avoid obstructing the character.
- Activate the Affect all Bones box so that the adjustments in this panel affect all bones instead of a single one.
- Display Settings: Determine the color and opacity of the bone(s).

Use the palm pictogram to set hand gestures for the selected character.

These two button are used to activate or deactivate the Blend Weight of selected effectors. Refer to the What does Effector Blend Weight do - three scenarios section for more information.

You can use these three buttons to mirror pose. Please refer to the How to use Mirror settings section for more information.

Activate this button to take X, Y and Z values as base when you apply a pose with a specific bone selected. Otherwise, only X and Y are considered.

You can click this drop-down button to show and edit the precise translation and rotation values for the select bone.

You can copy and paste current pose of the character elsewhere.