Actor - Detail Settings for Look-at Feature (New for v. 8.2)

After having the character look at the camera or a specific target, you can adjust the advanced settings to tweak the look-at behavior.

Video Tutorial

Enhance CC Characters with Head-Turn Morphs

You can activate this checkbox to constrain the head turn to a logical angle range.

Enhance CC Characters with Head-Turn Morphs is off.
The neck oddly swells with a raised head.

Enhance CC Characters with Head-Turn Morphs is on.
The head lift is limited to avoid neck distortions.

Associated Eyebrow Movement

This slider determines the amount of influence on the eyebrows from the movement of the eyeballs.

Associated Eyebrow Movement is set to "0".

Associated Eyebrow Movement is set to "100".


The Head and Body sliders adjusts the bias of the look-at towards the target. By combining the Head and Body weights, the look-at behavior can appear much more natural. These two settings are keyable.

  • Head: Sets the weight bias toward the subject's head.

    Head = 0

    Head = 100

  • Body: Sets the weight biased toward the subject's body.

    Head = 0
    Body = 100

    Head = 100
    Body = 50

Body Axis Weight

When the Body weight is more than zero, you can use the X, Y and Z sliders to adjust the lean of the character when addressing the subject.

  • X: The body will lean forward or backward with this setting.

    X = 0

    X = 200

  • Y: The body will turn left or right with this setting.

    Y = 0

    Y = 200

  • Z: The body will tilt left or right with this setting.

    Z = 0

    Z = 200


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