Adding idle motions (New for v. 8.4)

If you want to create custom idle motions, then you can add the motions to the Idle category (MD Behavior > Behavior Settings tab).

  1. Apply a character to a new project.
  2. Apply any iMD to the character.
  3. Launch the MD Behavior panel (Ctrl + F6) and switch to the Behavior Settings tab.
  4. In the left tree view, pick the root node and click the Add / Delete Behavior button.
  5. Under the Idle category, there are one main idle and multiple sub-idle nodes.
  6. Add custom motion under the main idle node:
    • Click the Add button next to the Casual label of the main idle node and choose one or more motion files (*.iMotion, *.rlMotion).
    • Drag and drop the desired motions onto the main idle node.
  7. You can also edit the node, mainly with Edit Motion in the timeline.
  8. Click the Apply button to exit and save the current configuration.
  9. Start the Motion Director. The newly added idle motion will play intermittently.