Character Profiles (New for v3.3)

While you proceed to capture facial animations via the LIVE FACE, an appropriate face profile is automatically applied according to the head types of the selected character.

There are four main profile styles on the Face Profile list. ( View video )

Face Profiles

Presets for Characters

Sprite-based Front

Sprite-based Side Right

Sprite-based Side Left

Image-based Head

G1 Comic, Kid's Sketch Boys
G2 Characters
G2+ Characters
G3 Human
G3 Free Bone with Sprite-based head


G3 Animals


G1 Human, Kid's Sketch Girls
G3 Free Bone with Morph-based head



  • The Sprite-based Front profile is the preset for all characters with a Sprite-based head, no matter if it is front or side facing character, and you may need to manually switch to Side Right or Left profile for some characters with side face angles.
  • You can refer to the Character Types section for more details about G1, G2, G3 and Free Bone characters. Alternatively, you can get more character styles from the Reallusion Content Store.