Search Options
Feel free to begin your search in any tab that offers different search options. The system will conduct searches based on file names, folder names, author names, collections, and tag strings. You can also refine your search by unchecking the corresponding checkboxes to narrow down the results.

Finds and displays the assets whose item or pack names match the keyword.
In the Pack View, type a keyword ("arm" in this case) into the text field, and then press the Enter key.
The packs' names including the keyword will be displayed.
The packs with item names matching the keyword will also be displayed.

You can type in the name of file extension to find all content in a specific category. It saves time by not having to click category buttons or select category nodes one by one.
In the Item View, type a keyword into the text field ("ccshoes" in this case).
The right pane displays all items in the Cloth > Shoes category, because their file names match the keyword.

Finds and displays the assets whose author names match the keyword.
In the Pack View, type a keyword into the text field ("Adolf" in this case).
The right pane displays all packs whose author name matches the keyword.

Finds and displays the items with collection names completely matching the keyword. These collections are virtual folders created by the users for gathering useful content in Content Manager. They do not support partial word search.
For example, enter a keyword ("cold weapon" in this case) into the text field.
The items that match the keyword will be displayed.

Finds and displays the items with tag names completely matching the keyword. These tags may come from the content developer, or you customized in Content Manager. They do not support the Partial Word Search rule.
For example, type a keyword ("weapon" in this case) into the text field under the Custom tab.
The items that match the keyword will be displayed.
Note that if you store custom content in multiple drives, you have to switch to the target custom folder in order to show the search result for items stored in different drives.

Finds and displays the items whose parent folder name matching the keyword. You can type in the folder name to find all content under a specific folder. It saves time by not having to open folders or select folder nodes one by one.
Type in a keyword ("sign", in this case).
The right shelf displays all items under their parent folder "Sign", which matches the keyword.
* Main category or sub-category folders in the tree-view do not count for the parent folder here.
When the search is done, apply items from the search result shown on each tab.