Main Menu - File
The File menu on the main menubar contains commands related to file

Creates a new project.

Opens a saved project.

Saves the current project to a target directory.

Saves the current project as another file to a target directory.

There are four commands in the submenu, Import... (Ctrl + I), Import Camera, Import External Motion and Convert External Motion.

Imports certain assets with supported file format.
The supported impor formats are:
- Audio: (*.mp3, *.wav)
- Avatar: (*.iAvatar)
- Effect: (*.iAtm, *.iEffect, *.iImageLayer, *.iLight, *.iParticle)
- Image: (*.bmp, *.exr, *.gif, *.hdr, *.jpg, *.png, *.tga)
- Object: (*.iCam, *.iFog, *.iGrass, *.iPath, *.iProp, *.iScene, *.iSky, *.iTerrain, *.iTree, *.iWater)
- Part: (*.iAcc)
- Video: (*.asf, *.asx, *.avi, *.flv, *.mov, *.mp4, *.mpe, *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.rm, *.rmvb, *.wm, *.wmv)
The additional formats relevant to character import are:
- CT: (*.CLP, *.CTS)
- Motion: (*.aml, *.iHand, *.iMotion, *.iMotionPlus, *.iPersona, *.iTalk, *rlMotion, *rlTalk)
- Part: (*.iAcc, *.iCloth, *.iEye, *.iFace, *.iGlove, *.iHair, *.iLower, *.iOral, *.iShoe, *.iTeeth, *.RLHead, *.iSkin, *.iUpper)

Imports the camera settings and animations from other 3D tools in FBX format.

You can import and apply external motion to current character in the scene, or convert external motions to the custom motion library in Content manager.

There are three commands in the submenu, Export Alembic, Export Camera and Export to FBX.
- Export Alembic...: Exports motions of a character or animations of props or accessories into Alembic files.
- Export Camera: Exports the currently selected camera and its settings and animations into FBX format for reusing in 3D tools.
- Export to FBX: Exports the currently selected character, accessory or prop with or without their motions or animations into FBX format.

Merges partial motions from any MotionPlus file.

Allows you to freely merge desired objects from any other iProject.

Displays the recently used 10 files, you can choose the Clear Recent command from the sub-menu to clear the list.

Shuts down iClone.