Character Hand Mapping Methods
Motion LIVE 2D allows for mapping hands between the virtual characters and the real-human actors.
You can determine if you want to use the actor's one hand to control one hand, both hands of the virtual character,
or control its hands in mirror mode with the mapping features.
After the hand data source is decided, you can also change the default palm and elbow facing with ease.
All of these settings can be saved as custom mapping profiles.
Click these two buttons to choose your hand tracking data for the character's left hand and right hand by cycling through the different hand mapping methods. Alternatively, you can select a method from the drop-down list of the button. ( Watch Video )
By default, you can use your hands to control the character's hands in mirror mode in Motion LIVE 2D.
That is, when you are facing the display, the gesture data is set to opposite hands to control the character's hand in mirror mode.
Before capturing hand motions, make sure your hands are correctly mapped to the character's.
Apply a character.
- Click the Motion LIVE 2D button on the Add-on Toolbar.
Alternatively, go to Plugins > Motion LIVE 2D > Motion LIVE 2D.
- When the Motion LIVE 2D panel displays, connect it to the Body and Hand Mocap Devices separately.
- Click the button and press the Space bar to receive captured hand motions,
you will see your hand motions not properly sent to the desired hand.
Go to the Hand mode to change the hand mapping under the Control tab.
Click the Right Hand button once to set Left Hand Data for the character's left hand; Click the Left Hand button twice to set Right Hand Data for the character's right hand. - Now your hand motions send to the character's hands properly.
- If you are satisfied with the mapping result, save your settings as a custom mapping profile.
If you want to hold the mouse for hovering and clicking,
while using the other hand to control the character's both hands to perform the same gestures,
then you can map both its hands to your free hand.
The following example will describe how to use one of your hands to control the character's both hands to pick up a giftbox.
Apply a character.
- Click the Motion LIVE 2D button on the Add-on Toolbar.
Alternatively, go to Plugins > Motion LIVE 2D > Motion LIVE 2D.
- When the Motion LIVE 2D panel displays, connect it to the Hand Mocap Device.
- The Control Mode is automatically set to Hand by default.
Set Zero Pose to calibrate your hand gestures.
- Switch the Control Mode to Forearm IK to capture the hand motions from the forearm range.
- Click the button and press the Space bar to receive captured hand motions,
you will see that character moves as if reflected from a mirror.
Under the Control tab, click the Right Hand button once to set Left Hand Data for the character's right hand.
Now you will see that the both hands of the character are moving together. - If you are satisfied with the mapping results, save your settings as a custom mapping profile.
When the Control Mode is set to Hand or Forearm IK, after the hands mapping source is determined, you can set the custom initial palms facing for the hand gesture instead of using the default palms facing from a Posture Preset.
Click these two buttons to choose your palms facing for the character's left hand and right hand by cycling through the different mapping methods. Alternatively, you can select a method from the drop-down list of the button. ( Watch Video )
Apply a character and set a pose key to raise up the both hands for better observation.
Click the Motion LIVE 2D button on the Add-on Toolbar.
Alternatively, go to Plugins > Motion LIVE 2D > Motion LIVE 2D.
- When the Motion LIVE 2D panel displays, connect it to the Hand Mocap Device.
- The Control Mode is automatically set to Hand by default.
Set Zero Pose to calibrate your hand gestures.
- Click the button and press the Space bar to receive captured hand motions,
you will see that character's palms are facing front by default.
- Under the Control tab,
click the Palm Facing button once to set Palm Facing Back for the both hands of the character.
Now you will see that the character's palms are facing back. - If you are satisfied with the mapping result, save your settings as a custom mapping profile.
After the hands mapping source is determined, you can set the custom hand flip direction instead of using the default hand flip direction from a Posture Preset.
Click these two buttons to choose your hand flip direction for the character's left hand and right hand by cycling through the different mapping methods. Alternatively, you can select a method from the drop-down list of the button.
The following example will describe how to flip your hand properly.
Apply a character and set a pose key for it.
Click the Motion LIVE 2D button on the Add-on Toolbar.
Alternatively, go to Plugins > Motion LIVE 2D > Motion LIVE 2D.
- When the Motion LIVE 2D panel displays, connect it to the Hand Mocap Device.
- The Control Mode is automatically set to Hand by default.
Set Zero Pose to calibrate your hand gestures.
- Under the Control tab, click the Palm Facing button once to set Palm Facing Back for the character right hand.
- Click the button and press the Space bar to receive captured hand motions,
you will see the incorrect hand flip direction.
- Under the Control tab, click the Hand Flip button once to set Flip Up for the character's right hand.
Now the hand flip direction is corrected. - If you are satisfied with the mapping result, save your settings as a custom mapping profile.
When the Control Mode is set to Upper Arm IK, after the hands mapping source is determined, you can set the custom elbows position instead of using the default elbows position from a Posture Preset.
Click these two buttons to choose your elbows facing for the character's left hand and right hand by cycling through the different hand mapping methods. Alternatively, you can select a method from the drop-down list of the button. ( Watch Video )
The Elbow Facing mapping method is available for Leap Motion Controller only.
The following example will describe how to lift a box with the correct elbow facing.
Apply a character and set a pose key for it.
Execute the Plugins > Motion LIVE 2D > Motion LIVE 2D.
- When the Motion LIVE 2D panel displays, connect it to the Hand Mocap Device.
- The Control Mode is automatically set to Hand by default.
- Switch the Control Mode to Upper Arm IK to capture the hand motions from the upper arms.
- Click the button and press the Space bar to receive captured hand motions,
you will see that the character's left elbow is facing the wrong direction.
- Notice that the Auto Elbow / Wrist Flip function is enabled in the Upper Arm IK mode by default.
That is, the upper arms rotation is driven by the elbow / wrist with IK method.
You have to deactivate this function in order to set the custom elbow facing for shoulder rotation. - Under the Control tab, click the Elbow Facing button once to set Elbow Up for the character's left hand.
Now the character's left elbow facing is corrected. - If you are satisfied with the mapping result, save your settings as a custom mapping profile.