Creating Various Puppet-ready Accessories
Aside from the facial-feature related accessories, we recommend that you assign all other accessories to the Other tab. You can then
control several accessories in this category at once by selecting them from a list in the
After you have prepared a custom accessory, you may then use the
Builder from the Avatar Toolkit Vol. 2
to determine the performance behaviors that are generated by the Controller.
Prepare an ear model with single (or bilateral) parts in an external 3D tool and
convert it as an iProp into iClone.
Please refer to the Preparing Custom Accessory section for more information about how to
prepare models with single (or bilateral) parts.
Attach the entire set of the prop (including the
dummy and the
model) to
a character to turn it into an accessory.
Apply the Builder prop into the scene.
Click the Accessories button and the pick the accessory.
In the Define Controller page, determine the settings for the accessory. Please note that
you need to set the Object Type to Other.
Please refer to the
Define Controllers page section for more information.
If you want the accessory to join the expression animations, then
activate the Enable Expression box.
Correctly set the
root and the
handles for
puppeteering of the accessory.
Assign the root of the accessory
Assign accessory nodes for puppeteering
Move to the Define Puppet Behavior page.
Set the postures for the accessory to the axes around the compass.
Please refer to the
Assigning Accessory Animations to Axes section for more information.
If you want the accessory to join the expression animations, then
switch to the Expression tab and set correct postures for
the 6 axes around the compass.
Click the OK button to save the entire accessory settings.
Using the Controller to puppeteer the accessory to view the result.
Please refer to the
Full Face Expressions section for more information
if you want the accessory to be part of the
expression animations.
Because the strings and the beads of the hat already contain spring effects, when you puppeteer
the hat, they vibrate automatically.