Mapping Facial and Extend Bones
In the Converting Models to Humanoid Characters procedure, you are mainly mapping the Body bones to the standard bone structure in order to apply motion-related features to the character in iClone.
However, if you want a Humanoid character to be able to have facial expressions or spring effects, then you need to separately map the unused bones as Facial, Jaw and Eye bones (for facial expressions) or Used bones (for spring effects or setting motion layer keys).
- Facial Bones: The facial bones, including head, jaw and eye bones, dominate the facial expressions of the character:
The facial bones (under the head node).
The facial bones dominate parts of the facial expressions.
- Extended Bones with Spring Effects: The Used bones, including those for the face and body, can be used for creating spring effects:
The extended bones (under the head node or the body node) that have been given spring effects.
The extended bones with spring effects drive the bouncing of the tail.
- Extended Bones without Spring Effects: The extended bones, including those of the face and body, can be animated with FK and IK methods:
The extended bones (under the head node or the body node) that have not been given spring effects.
The extended bones without spring effects can be manually animated in iClone.
Please refer to the sections below for more information: