Main Menu - Character (New for v. 4.4)

The Character menu on the main menu bar contains character-related commands.

Load Neutral Base

Load a base character without any clothes and morphing influences.

Batch Convert to CC3 Base+

Convert CC1 or CC3 Base characters inside a folder, to CC3 Base+ characters in one go.

Convert to Humanoid

Converts current bone-skinned prop or creature character to humanoid character.

Convert to Creature

Converts current bone-skinned prop to creature character.

Convert to Game Character

Convert CC avatar to game character that faces counts and materials are decreased for being suitable in game engines.

Optimize and Decimate

Optimizes the character to different levels by decreasing the data.


Characterizes bone-skinned props or creatures to convert them to humanoid character.

Set T-Pose

When you use GoZ, Import FBX for modifying CC3 Base or CC3 Base+ character's shape, the standard T-pose can occasionally be offset due to miscalculation. Use the Set T-Pose feature to rectify the result.

Pose Offset

Access the Pose Offset feature in the Modify Panel for modifying the angle offset (X, Y and Z axis) of the bones for the character.

Adjust Bone

Enters the mode for editing the length of bones for the character.

Adjust Contact Points

For customizing the contact plans for character's hands and feet.


Adjusts the body proportion of the CC Avatar or Humanoid characters.

Bake Morph Slider

Takes all of the currently active morph sliders and bakes it into the mesh itself. This will also reset all of the active sliders back to zero.

Correct Eyeblink

Closes up the eyes completely for any characters with blink issue.

Bake All Skin Textures

Convert all source SkinGen textures to specific resolution without activating Appearance Editor.

Remove SkinGen Data

Delete all layers in each material without launching the SkinGen Appearance Editor.


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